Way of Work
What you can expect ...
You can expect everything that any other huge advertising agency has to offer: The whole variety of marketing tools. From concept to action. A one man show can't provide such services? There you are definitely right. But I didn't claim that I can do it all by myself ...
Throughout the years we were able to build an effective and efficient partner network. Everyone is a highly professional individualist. But never losing sight of the complete image. It's obvious: No-one can provide the complete variety of marketing instruments on his own. Whoever claims he can - is telling lies. But whatever your needs might be - the network can provide a highly effective team that is able to meet your demands - capable of delivering services at the highest level. But we are more flexible and faster than any other huge agency will ever be. And that's why we can oftenwork at lower costs than the "big players" who have to pay huge overheads and for a backoffice.
But what's the strength of Jahn Grafix?
My own strengths are creating concepts and developing creative ideas and bringing them to life at same time - by immediately creating text and artwork. No matter if it's business cards, shop windows or huge graphic areas like walls of a trade fair booth.
The bottom line:
You can expect common sense combined with marketing know how. Or - in other words::
Concept - Creativity - High Performance
Just give me a call and tell me what you need. No matter if it's just creating a single advertisement or if you need someone to handle your complete marketing budget. Whether you are running your own small shop or work for a multinational company. Together we will find a way to get the job done!